The Dread Follossus! Imagined by Joshua DaMina aged 4,
The Dread Follossus! Imagined by Joshua DaMina aged 4, Poem by Craig Thompson and Artwork by Barrie James' Art Page. Pen and Ink. — withJohn da Mina and Craig Thomson.
'Is something hiding over there, Beneath my bedroom landing stair? Half an ant, and scribbly wings? What kind of monster has those things! I think, perhaps, I may have heard, It crunching, munching, on a bird, And was it tentacles I saw, Writhing in its gaping maw? I'm going to shut the bedroom door! There's something hiding over there, It's down beneath the landing stair, It's half an ant! With scribbly wings! I looked and I saw both those things! But that's not all, I also heard, It crunching, munching, on a bird, And tentacles! Four I saw! Writhing in its gaping maw! That's why I shut the bedroom door! I'll pull my covers overhead, And wriggle safe into my bed, I know for sure it was the dread, FOLLOSUS!'