Castle College Durham University
Great night at Castle College Durham University last night. One thing I've learnt is never underestimate the capacity for studnets to eat...

Caricatures at Newcastle Quayside
Dispite the freezing cold conditions I am pleasently surprised to see how popular my caricatures still are at the Keyside, this was the...

One sexy saxophonist what a mouthful! with @SoloSaxophone, @DawnMarieWed at @DoxfordHall #caricatur
One sexy saxophonist what a mouthful! with Andrew Taylor caricatures at Doxford Hall www.SoloSaxo.org.uk, http://www.dawnmariewed.co.uk

The Dread Follossus! Imagined by Joshua DaMina aged 4,
The Dread Follossus! Imagined by Joshua DaMina aged 4, Poem by Craig Thompson and Artwork by Barrie James' Art Page. Pen and Ink. —...

Little Red Wagon Vintage Fair in Easington 2015
Here are some of the fabulous poeple of Easington that came to the vintage fair on Sunday. Good effort by everyone that came with...

Summer of Caricature in Northumberland
It has been a really great summer for me as a caricaturist, I don't know how many peopleI have drawn in and around Newcastle. Definately...

A caricaturist in Durham - August
Having a really great time in Durham drawing caricatures, the city is beautiful and nearly always a peaceful environment to draw in. So...